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MR-9: Do or Die - An Exercise in Cinematic Futility

MR-9: Do or Die - An Exercise in Cinematic Futility

Where do I even start with this gem of a film named MR-9: Do or Die? From the very moment the credits start rolling, it feels like they might as well have been playing the theme song from the Jaws soundtrack because you’re about to witness a horror show that’s both comedic and tragic in equal measure. Directed by Asif Akbar, this supposed spy action thriller is an international collaboration between the United States and Bangladesh—because what could possibly go wrong when you mix countries that are worlds apart in filmmaking sensibilities?

2nd Mar 2025 - Fawk
Battle Over Britain - An Aerial Adventure Gone Awry

Battle Over Britain - An Aerial Adventure Gone Awry

The cinematic experience that is Battle Over Britain—where expectations plummet so low that they might just reach the sub-basement of filmmaking standards. Released on Prime, this ambitious attempt to capture the relentless spirit of World War II aerial combat unfolds like a labor of love that’s had one too many boiling pots of water splashed on it. As it unveils its narrative of a fresh-faced young pilot eager to defend his homeland, audiences are left wondering if the filmmakers were equally determined to defend our senses from any semblance of quality.

2nd Mar 2025 - Fawk
Rebel Moon - A Dull Dystopia

Rebel Moon - A Dull Dystopia

Given Snyder's reputation for visually striking films, I approached Rebel Moon with a mixture of curiosity and guarded optimism. After all, how could a film featuring a dying planet and a band of rebels not deliver some level of excitement? Spoiler alert: it crashes and burns rather spectacularly.

3rd Dec 2024 - Fawk